Change in Focus

I've been reading old blog posts for the past hour or so, and thought a new one is now warranted. You see, this year is our last Pennsic. We are formally quitting participation in the SCA for the foreseeable future. This means no more sewing of garb for anyone in my family, at least not until the kids grow up and decide to attend Pennsic on their own as adults (if that actually ever happens).

I have very mixed feelings about this, from my sewing perspective. On the Pro side, I am relieved of all the pressure and stress of having clothing ready for Pennsic every year, and making sure we have outfits that fit all our growing bodies. This one point is something that permeates my entire YEAR. I sit around at Christmas time and think "I should be sewing for Pennsic". I have this thought every time I sit down for a moment of quiet time with myself. The guilt of NOT sewing for Pennsic lives with me for the other 51 weeks of the year, and has every year for more than a decade. I'm not even sure how I'm going to live without it.

On the other hand, when I'm inspired and in the right mood, I LOVE sewing garb. I am immensely proud of the skill I have honed of taking a 2-dimensional image and turning it into a functional piece of clothing, without patterns or instructions. I do get happy when I'm in my sewing room, making pretty things. I hate the deadlines, but I need the inspiration, I honestly believe that a day will come when I will miss the sewing. At this point right now, I can't think of anything else I will sew for, other than "costumes" for cons or Halloween...and usually those are quick, slap-together things for a one-time wear (with some exceptions, obviously).

So, the first job will be to take a look at my fabric stash again, with a fresh eye. I still have dozens of yards of linen that I never got around to making into anything. Can I do modern clothes with this...I mean, I know I can, but would I wear them? I'm not sure what I'll do...but I welcome all thoughts, suggestions, ideas and comments!
