A VERY Productive Day - in the *sewing room* at least ...

I have quite a productive day today, completing nearly THREE whole projects in one day! The first was finishing up the cloak I started last night. Keep reading to see how that went. Then I got a couple of domestic projects in motion, getting much further on the chair cushions (read about that fiasco and see where I left it, here), and even completing something I've been wanting to do for 2 years in less than 15 minutes...a new clothes-peg bag!

To make the cloak, I traced the existing cloak that my mother-in-law made for Sarah many years ago. Back then, it reached her ankles. Today, it reached her knees!  Here it is, modeled on my dress form:

As I mentioned last night, when cutting out the pieces, I didn't realize the fleece had a right and wrong side. My options to fix this were either to make a front and back, or to have two of the panels have a fuzzy-side-out next to their smooth-side-out partners. I asked Sarah her preference, and she chose the former. After just an hour or so of sewing, the final product was completed.
